Sunday, May 18, 2014


Look at these beautiful kiddos showing off their good2grow juice caps (well, two of the kiddos, the third just couldn't seem to keep his Perry juice bottle in frame for me).  We've all seen these things in the stores...we've all heard our kids beg for them ("but mom, I really want the drink with ________ on it...please, just this one time!?!".  My kids have begged me a million times for them and a million times I have firmly told them no.

Why have I told my kids no a million times?  Well, that's easy, like just about everything else I have become accustomed to two things with characters on them; stuff that's too darned expensive and stuff that so full of sugar and other junk that I wouldn't let my kids have it.

Well, now I get to be the "cool" mom and say yes.  Why, because the price isn't too bad and the juice isn't sugar-filled nonsense, it's real juice (100% apple juice, 100% juice fruit punch blend, veggie blend, even organic).  I can't tell my kids they can't have organic juice.  I can't tell them they can't have apple juice.  And I really can't tell them they can't have a veggie juice blend (goodness knows even my eaters need more veggies in their lives).  Plus good2grow has hit every point that makes parents like me smile--no GMO's, no sugar added, no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.  So, the health argument is shot.

That only leaves me with the price issue.  See, for years I have hated the juices with characters on them.  It seems like such a waste to spend $2 or so on something that I'm just going to trash at the end of the day because it's useless (yes, I know, the kids could always play with them, but we have too many small toys cluttering up their toy boxes).  Well, good2grow has me covered here.  No longer is that bottle useless (okay, the bottle is, it goes straight to the recycling pile) but the cap, that one thing that makes the kids freak out for the juice isn't useless.  The kids get done drinking their juice, they rinse their cap, and it goes in the dishwasher.  Then, we buy 6 packs of the bottles that the caps screw onto.  No need to continue buying bottles with caps unless it's your kid's favorite character.  So,  after the initial investment for the "must have" caps we are paying no more than we would for juice boxes.

The best thing about the caps is that there is such a variety of choices.  They have every character my kids could want.  Bob the Builder, Scooby, Ninja Turtles, Hello Kitty, Cars, Marvel.  Seriously, the list just keeps going.  In our collection we have Perry (from Phineas and Ferb), several Hello Kitty's, Strawberry Shortcake, Thomas the Tank Engine, Raphael (the Ninja Turtle), The Incredible Hulk, Mater, and a few Disney Princesses.  Everyone in the house has their own cap plus extra for friends).  Which, of course, means I know which drink belongs to whom.  And did I mention they're spill-proof?  They really thought of everything.

So, the kids are happy, they get the awesome drink...or caps as the case may be (even the older kids have their own 13 year old and her friends love the Hello Kitty caps).  My pickier juice drinkers will drink as much juice as I will allow just so they can use their favorite cap.  I'm happy because I get to be the cool mom and give them something they want and something I can afford.  Seriously, these things are great.  I'm just sorry that it took me so long to realize they make refill packs, because they really are the greatest thing ever.

A great big thank you to BzzAgent and good2grow for the chance to try our household's new favorite juice.

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