Thursday, May 23, 2013

Green Giant Veggie Snack Chips

So, we were recently given the opportunity to try the Green Giant Veggie Snack Chips.  We were given bags of two different kinds, Roasted Veggis Tortilla Chips with Zesty Cheddar and Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips with Sea Salt.  Boy were these things a huge hit.

First, let's talk about the Zesty Cheddar Chips.  Well, first I had to try them before letting the kids get their hands on them.  They are cheesy and crunchy and everything someone would want in a tortilla chip.  There's a bit of zest to them but that is not to be confused with them having a spicy kick.  I hoarded the bag to myself for a few days before letting the kids and the mister demolish them (boy was I glad for my own personal "mommy hiding spot").  They are really good.

Now, the sweet potato chips are where my family really got into trouble.  You see, I had a few sample bags and let grandpa and the kids get into one.  They went nuts (even my picky eater liked them a lot).  So, it was our turn to host the family gathering (because what's more fun that 20 of your closest relatives plus their children and grandchildren seeing what isn't nailed down in your home...I love hosting these things but could easily live without the whirlwind mess that they leave in their wake upon leaving).  So, I decided to bust out the bag of sweet potato chips to see what the whole family thought.  Next thing I know, my 84 year old grandpa is in the doghouse with the family for handing over chips to the little ones (before dinner of course).  So, I had to rush to his aid (complete with the bag for the nutrition facts) to save him from the angry crowd.  The parents and I have all come to the same conclusion: the chips aren't super-healthy (and their not supposed to be) but they are a touch healthier than the normal chips we give our kids on occasion.  Plus, they have more nutrients than most others.  So, when we are doling out snacks, these seem like a perfectly acceptable alternative to the normal potato chip.

I will say that I  never expected the kids (mine especially) to like the sweet potato chips.  They don't much care for sweet potatoes.  However, my kids are adventurous eaters who will try anything (no matter what it's called or looks like) before they say they don't like it.  Knowing that they don't like sweet potatoes didn't stop them from trying these chips and I honestly think they like them more than regular potato chips.  They have the salty flavor the kids love but they have something other than the nothing flavor of regular potato chips.  I don't want to say they taste like sweet potatoes, but they do have a different flavor than normal potato chips.

These things have both earned their way into our snack cupboard.  The kids love them and I am happy to see them eating salty snacks that have more nutrients.  They are a winner in our book.

As always a special thank you to BzzAgent and Green Giant for the opportunity to try and review these chips.  My kids are eternally grateful.